To Be Successful In Life, There Is A Price To Pay – Dr Chris Okafor


Famous preacher and Lead Pastor of Grace Nation International a.k.a Liberation City, Dr Chris Okafor has disclosed that to be successful in life you must pay the price.

Speaking at the Midweek Prophecy, Healing and Deliverance Service (PHD) on Thursday, September 15th, 2022 at the International Headquarters of the church in Ojodu Berger, Lagos Nigeria, explained that even the devil understand this principles of sacrifice.,

The generational prophet of God as he is fondly called stated that to make money genuinely you must pay the price and those one making money through diabolic means will understand the principle of sacrifice too, that is why some of them use a whole human being as sacrifice.

He said when you partner with God through your kingdom heritage and sacrifice with your substance, Elohim will partner with you and you will become successful in life. He said you can make good money through your kingdom commitment

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Making himself as a case study, Dr Chris Okafor remarked that he is a secret multi-billionaire who don’t make noise.

He said he understand the principle to make wealth through partnership and sacrifice to the kingdom of God. “I sacrifice like no tomorrow that is why I am very successful in what I do,” Okafor concluded

The realm of the prophetic witnessed drama and laughter as a new convert, a young man prayed for remarked that he promised himself before coming to the PHD service that he will stop womanising next year because he will be getting married in the coming year.

This resulted to shouting and laughter as the young man was delivered from extravagant lifestyle. Also, so many worshippers were delivered from ancient altars keeping their glory for a long time as God used His servant, Dr Chris Okafor to release 27 miracle babies at the service.

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