Oluwo Of Iwo Boasts, Says; “Any Covid-19 Patient That Enters Iwo Will Be Automatically Healed”


Oluwo of Iwo, Oba Abdulrosheed Akanbi is at it again. This time, the monarch has boasted that the dreadful Covid-19 has no potent where Iwo land is concerned. He claimed that his land has healing powers for Coronavirus patients.

He said; “God has bestowed power on kings to legislate on his behalf on earth and I want to thank God that he has been supporting me since I became the king of this ancient town. Within the five years of my reign, the community has witnessed a series of development.”

“My subjects are living happily and healthy. We did not have any issue of Coronavirus. Anybody with COVID-19 that enters Iwo will be automatically healed.”

Oluwo made the assertion on Saturday, January 16th, 2021 at an event where he marked his fifth anniversary as the king of Iwo land.

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