Dr Okafor Unravels The Mystery Of Honour


In the absence of honour people will suffer, where there’s no culture of honour people will not prosper, and when you don’t understand the process of honour, you can be in a place of plenty and remain stranded and poor for life.

These and more are part of the teaching of the Lead Pastor of Grace Nation International a.k.a Liberation City, Dr Chris Okafor at the Sunday Covenant day of wealth Transfer on 5th February 2023, at the International Headquarters of the church in Ojodu Berger Lagos Nigeria.

Teaching on the topic “The Mystery of First Fruit” taking from Proverb 3:9, 10 – the generational prophet of God emphasised that God says those that honour Him, he will honour but those that dispised Him, they will suffer.

Unfortunately, today in the church what is referred to honour in the vineyard is dead, the man of God continued that the kingdom of heaven is a mystery, it takes mystery to demystified the mystery.

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Therefore, when you are knowledgeable to understand this mystery, everything becomes good to you, it takes man of integrity to understand the mystery behind the first fruit sacrifice, when you obey the instructions of first fruit everything you do throughout the remaining months and days of the year become a plus to your breakthrough and Success throughout the year.

The generational prophet of God as he is fondly called, Dr Chris Okafor also remarked that God is the source of everything on this earth, everything belongs to Him, so if there is anyone we must not play with is the Almighty God, He is not rich, nor poor but everything on this earth belong to Him.

If God directs that you must bring your first fruit to the vineyard, he know why He has given this instructions, if you honour your God with your substance, it triggers God to do more for you because He owns everything.

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Earlier at the realms of prophetic, God used His servant, Dr Okafoe in a new dimension, He was seen doing what he knows how to do best, mentioning people’s name accurately, describing roads to people’s houses in the village, exposing the acclaimed strong man behind their predicament.

He also exposed evil altars and the one serving them, depopulating the kingdom of darkness, therefore making the kingdom of God popular.

Miracle babies were given to expectant mothers, while bloodline diseases and inherited battles gave way. Also lawful captive were set free.

Dr Chris Okafor also used the occasion to pray for the nation and for a successful general election in Nigeria. Dr Okafor charged Nigerians to vote their conscience because that alone will guarantee a better nation for all in the next 8years.

He quipped; “Let all Nigerian go out enmass come 25 February 2023 to vote for a leader that will bring back Nigeria’s lost glory as the giant of Africa.”

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