Dr Chris Okafor’s 3-Days Prophetic Conference In Zimbabwe Ends With Diverse Miracles, Healings And Deliverance


Mind blowing miracles, healings and deliverance climaxed the 3 days Prophetic Conference, “The Mighty Visitations” in Harare, Zimbabwe as many who attended and participated in the conference have begun to testify of the mighty hand of God upon their Lives.

A woman who would not want her name mentioned gave a testimony at the conference venue that three days ago when the Prophetic Conference started, she came to the conference with the issue of blood, she said after the declaration by the Generational Prophet of God, Dr. Chris Okafor the blood issues stopped and today she is free. She came today without putting any thing on and blood that flows out of her ceased, “I am free, God of Grace Nation has visited my situation, am completely delivered,” she confess.

Also, a young boy who has difficulty in hearing, the situation has kept the young boy out of school and his parents have visited some many places, hospitals and churches but no solution, but this conference put together by God Himself has brought permanent solutions to the boy’s issue, “he can hear clearly now,” the parent of the little boy thank God.

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In his sermon with the topic; “Nothing Speaks Until The Blood Speaks,”the Lead Pastor of Grace Nation Worldwide a.k.a Liberation City and Convener of Chris Okafor World Outreach (COWOM), Dr Chris Okafor said not until you do something usual you cannot get unusual results, when you do something that attract Elohim upon your life, your altars will speak for you, and if your altars lack oil, heaven can’t speak on your behalf.

The Generational Prophet of God continues that, when you partner with God, it gives God confirmation to intervene on your behalf, God will not just show up until you invite Him, one of the major things that show that you invite Elohim into your situation is the blood on your altars, if your altars has blood, it indicates you are in partnership with God and at anytime, you are in need of heaven blessings the blood on your altars speak. So how do blood speaks, the man of God said Blood speaks on one behalf in the days of trouble, when I see the blood i shall pass over, the Generational Prophet of God, Dr Chris Okafor remarked.

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It was miracle galore as the Mighty Visitations Conference ends, God used His servant even more than before, destroying the network of the devil, he delivers the downtrodden and bless many awaiting mother’s with miracle babies among many other testimonies.

Meanwhile, the Generational Prophet of God Dr Chris Okafor used the occasion to pray for the good people of Zimbabwe, the President, Parliament members and the rest.

He declared that henceforth Zimbabwe will continue to move from glory to glory, He also challenge all citizens to continue to pray for their leaders for God to give them wisdom and knowledge to move the nation forward for the betterment of all the citizens of the country.

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