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How To Enjoy Festivals With Kids

It’s certainly a challenging experience to attend a festival with little ones especially if the weather’s bad. More endurance than enjoyment. Regardless, you can still have fun with your kids no matter the type or nature of the festival. Jumia Travel, the leading online travel agency, shares ways you can pull this off.

Go with friends

Attending festivals with kids is tough. Going with friends who have kids of similar ages really helps. It makes life so much easier. It can be stressful if something unexpected happens, so friends are great to help out and calm the situation. If you are used to late nights and don’t want to drag the kids around all night then you can take turns going out while your partner or friends watch the kids.

Pack essentials

Endeavour to pack the things your kids need during and after the festivals. This must include comforters, nappies, a small first aid box, snacks drugs, and toys. This will go a long way to ensure that you can take care of your children in the case of them crying or emergency.

Lead by example

Your kids will be looking to you as their models of how to do a festival right — so remember that all eyes are on you. You’re creating memories for them, no matter their age. Be sure to be on your best behaviour, and most importantly, have fun with them.

Make and engage in activities together

When planning your itinerary, ensure that everyone will be engaged in the same activities. It should not be the case of parents involved in one activity and the kids engaged in another. The only exception to this is to have someone watch the children even when parents are doing other fun activities.

Capture the moment

It is easy these days as no one goes anywhere without a phone. Interestingly, these kids know how to use these smartphones. So, you can take turns to capture the moments you spend at the festival.

– Ogunfowoke, Adeniyi Ayuba| PR Associate | Jumia Travel & Food
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