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Dr Chris Okafor Empowers Widows

Grace Nation International a.k.a Liberation City Prophetic and Communion Sunday Service witnessed the supernatural hand of God as the Almighty God came down with his healing power at the service through his servant, Dr Chris Okafor.

A woman suffering from a spinal cord related illness was healed in the course of the service. The woman could not walk but after the man of God prayed for her she was healed and can do what she was not been able to do for many years.

Also, a lady was delivered from kidney stone. The lady was in church two weeks ago and Dr Chris Okafor located her and prayed for and to the glory of God she came to church on Sunday 29th May, 2022 with an evidence that she has been healed. The test carried out on her came out negative all to the glory of God.

However, Dr Chris Okafor, in his sermon sub-tittled; “Horns of Wickedness” stated that it is only the spiritual Carpenter that is equipped with wisdom and knowledge from above that has the capacity to detect the Horns of Wickedness

The popular Lagos preacher added that as the name implies, Horn is the weapon or Part of some Animal put in strategic a place to tackle or to cause havoc for the opponent.

Dr Okafor said Horns are of different types. The Apostle of altars revealed that some horns are barriers in life, such as promise and fail, sickness, poverty, barrenness and many more.

The generational prophet of God said one must be spiritually intelligent to tackle horns of wickedness else it will deprive you from getting to your next level in life.

Miracle babies were dedicated at the Prophetic and Communion Service, one of the testifiers who came to the church as a single lady few years ago, met her husband at the church and dedicated her third child. She said it can only be the God of Dr Chris Okafor.

Another woman who dedicated her bouncing baby boy, testified with joy that throughout her pregnancy period to the delivery time, she enjoyed the hand of God.

Meanwhile over 2000 widows were given the monthly gift from the Man of God, the gift includes food stuff, clothing material and cash gift to support some business.

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